Faculty of Sport from Belgrade is a higher education institution which, as a legal entity, operates within the integrated University of Union – Nikola Tesla. The courses at the Faculty are organized and conducted according to the Bologna Declaration, with a three four-year undergraduate (Bachelor with Honors) courses and three one-year postgraduate (Master) courses.
There are three undergraduate courses at the Faculty of Sport, Belgrade:
1. Coaching in Sport (Sport Coach – Bachelor with Honors)
– Individual and Team Sports
2. Management in Sport (Sport Manager – Bachelor with Honors)
– Manager of Sport Facilities
– Manager of Sport Events
– Manager of Sport Organizations
3. Sport Journalism (Sport Journalist – Bachelor with Honors)
– Sport Journalist in Print Media
– Sport Journalist in E-media
– Sport Journalist in Agencies
– Sport Journalist in Multimedia Editorial Boards
All the undergraduate (Bachelor with Honors) courses consist of 8 semesters, i.e. 4 years of study. In the period a student gains 240 ECTS-credits, 60 ECTS-credits per each year of the studies. All the undergraduate (Master) courses consist of 2 semesters, i.e. 1 year of study. During the study, students study subjects from four scientific fields and 13 subfields of science.
Knowledge which is acquired after the completion of undergraduate courses gives the opportunity to most ambitious students to continue their education at master degree courses, while the best students from this level of education can continue their further specialization through scientific-research internship within doctoral studies.
The main mission of the Faculty of Sport is to offer highly educated and specialized sport experts to sport organizations and clubs, to educational, scientific, cultural and media institutions in Serbia and beyond. Sport today isn’t only an individual human need, but a way of life and a serious business, which altogether requires superior knowledge and skills.
Faculty of Sport is ready to offer this.
Join us.
Faculty of Sport, University “Union – Nikola Tesla” has fulfilled the standards for accreditation of higher education institutions stipulated by the Ordinance on standards and procedures for accreditation of higher education institutions and study programs. No. 612-00-02636 / 2013-04 of December 12, 2014. We are holders of:
Certificate of Accreditation of Higher Education Institution
Certificate of Accreditation of Undergraduate Studies – Management in Sport
Certificate of Accreditation of Undergraduate Studies – Coaching in Sport
Certificate of Accreditation of Undergraduate Studies – Journalism in Sport
Certificate of Accreditation of Postgraduate Master Studies – Management in Sport
Certificate of Accreditation of Postgraduate Master Studies – Coaching in Sport
Faculty of Sport holds a license issued by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development No. 612-00-00487 / 2012-04 of August 7, 2012.